Notice is hereby given that the Annual Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday 9 May 2022 at 7.00 pm. To be held at Stow Minster. Your attendance at such meeting is hereby requested to transact the following business:-


  1. Election of Chairman and signing of declaration of acceptance of Office
  2. Election of Vice Chairman and signing of declaration of acceptance of Office
  3. Apologies for absence
  4. To accept declarations of Interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011 and any dispensations that may arise
  5. Minutes for approval from the previous meeting of Monday 14 March 2021
  6. Matters arising from the previous meeting
  7. To agree final accounts for 2021/2022
  8. To agree and sign the Certificate of Exemption
  9. To accept and sign the Audit Annual Governance Statement for 2021/2022
  10. To accept and sign the Audit Accounting Statements for 2021/2022
  11. Authorisation of payments and receipts made since the last meeting
  12. To review and agree Council Insurance quotation for 2022/2023
  13. To agree to renew ICO data protection fee
    Council and Village issues
  14. To consider co-option applications for Councillor vacancy.
  15. To review and accept the Councils policies and asset register including the new Code of Conduct from West Lindsey.
  16. To review Council objectives for 2022/2023
  17. To appoint an internal auditor for 2022/2023
  18. Update on Jubilee Celebrations and planting of tree and positioning of bench.
  19. To discuss future of Parish Field.
  20. Update on Stow Bugle
  21. 144010 – Planning application for change of house types to previously approved scheme 136472 18 South Drive Stow.
    144540 – Land adjacent to West Farm, Normanby Road Stow. Application for 5no dwellings

Date of next meeting Monday 11 July 2022 7 pm at Stow Minster



Mrs.L.Gibbs Clerk to Stow Parish Council 2 May 2022