Notice is hereby given that the Annual Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday 9 May 2022 at 7.00 pm. To be held at Stow Minster. Your attendance at such meeting is hereby requested to transact the following business:-
- Election of Chairman and signing of declaration of acceptance of Office
- Election of Vice Chairman and signing of declaration of acceptance of Office
- Apologies for absence
- To accept declarations of Interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011 and any dispensations that may arise
- Minutes for approval from the previous meeting of Monday 14 March 2021
- Matters arising from the previous meeting
Accounts - To agree final accounts for 2021/2022
- To agree and sign the Certificate of Exemption
- To accept and sign the Audit Annual Governance Statement for 2021/2022
- To accept and sign the Audit Accounting Statements for 2021/2022
- Authorisation of payments and receipts made since the last meeting
- To review and agree Council Insurance quotation for 2022/2023
- To agree to renew ICO data protection fee
Council and Village issues - To consider co-option applications for Councillor vacancy.
- To review and accept the Councils policies and asset register including the new Code of Conduct from West Lindsey.
- To review Council objectives for 2022/2023
- To appoint an internal auditor for 2022/2023
- Update on Jubilee Celebrations and planting of tree and positioning of bench.
- To discuss future of Parish Field.
- Update on Stow Bugle
Planning - 144010 – Planning application for change of house types to previously approved scheme 136472 18 South Drive Stow.
144540 – Land adjacent to West Farm, Normanby Road Stow. Application for 5no dwellings
Date of next meeting Monday 11 July 2022 7 pm at Stow Minster
Mrs.L.Gibbs Clerk to Stow Parish Council 2 May 2022