Notice is hereby given that there will be a Parish Council Meeting on Monday
22 August 2022 at 7.15 pm. To be held at Stow Minster. Your attendance at such meeting is hereby requested to transact the following business:-
There will be 15 minutes public forum between 7.00pm and 7.15pm when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council, and your attendance is requested during this period.
Louise Gibbs
Clerk to the Council Date. 15 August 2022
- Chair’s remarks
- Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given.
- To accept declarations of Interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011 and any dispensations that may arise.
- Notes of the last meeting held on Monday 11 July 2022 to be approved as the minutes.
- Clerks report on matters outstanding.
- Financial Matters
a) Financial report
b) To agree the final accounts of Stow Recreation Fund and receipt of ring fenced money for future project maintenance
c) To agree funding for village Christmas Tree
d) To discuss budget requirements for 2023-2024 - Council and Village matters
a) Update on Highways issues
b) Update on Stow Bugle
c) Update on cemetery and playpark
d) Update the tree survey and any action required
e) Update progress with Northern Power Grid regarding the removal of the exposed high voltage wires in the play park
f) To discuss the way forward with registering the Parish land
g) To discuss phase 2 Consultation for the Cottam Solar project including Green Lane TRO - Planning for information only not for discussion.
144010 Planning application for change of house types to previously approved scheme 136472 18 South Drive Stow Comments posted to West Lindsey PLC_422550918 16/05/2022 awaiting decision.
144540 Application for Barn Conversation to from 5 no new dwellings West Farm Normanby Road – Comments posted to West Lindsey PLC_416160907 19/04/22 awaiting decision.
144925 Planning application to erect 1no dormer dwelling Plot 2 land adj 16a Ingham Road. Comments posted to West Lindsey PLC_429099786 13/06/22, Granted
145078 Planning application for proposed replacement commercial unit and demolition of dilapidated buildings. Comments posted to West Lindsey PLC_43627872 17/07/22 awaiting decision
145006 Application for change of use of existing outhouse to temporary holiday let, 5 Ingham Road Comments posted to West Lindsey PLC_442259403 05/08/22 awaiting decision
145293 – Application for erection of new commercial storage outbuilding, Kelloway House Marton Road Sturton by Stow
145259 – Application to reduce height of Ash, 11 School Lane - Councillors’ reports
Councillors’ reports and items for inclusion on the next agenda. Councillors’ are requested to report any matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for further agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.